Katrina Arthur Katrina Arthur

The Economy

When it comes to discussions about the economy, the idea that "there are three sides to every story" could be interpreted in the following way:
One side represents the perspective of government officials and policymakers who are responsible for making economic decisions and implementing policies. This may include fiscal and monetary policies (such as interest rates) aimed at influencing economic conditions.

 The second side would be the viewpoint of businesses and industries. Companies are deeply affected by economic conditions, regulations, and government policies. Their experiences may vary based on the sector, the size of the business, and its specific circumstances. For instance, policies that are beneficial to one industry might pose challenges to another. And the third side is the perspective of consumers. This viewpoint encompasses the experiences of individuals and households, including their employment status, income, cost of living, and overall economic well-being. Or Kitchen Table Issues.

 Consumer confidence and spending behavior can be influenced by factors such as job security, inflation, and economic policies. Understanding the different perspectives is crucial for a comprehensive analysis of the economy. It allows for a more nuanced discussion of economic issues and helps to appreciate the complexity of the economic landscape. Economic policies and decisions can have far-reaching effects, and considering these different angles can contribute to more informed and balanced discussions.

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Katrina Arthur Katrina Arthur

The American Presidency 1993 – Present

A Look Back in Time in American Politics

William Jefferson Clinton (42)

Aside from the constant and obsessive attempt by the GOP to dis-credit this Democratic President, this candidate and eventual President prevailed.  He won two terms as President and even though the GOP impeached him because of a sexual act, he was acquitted in the U. S. Senate and went on to successfully compete a second term.

The GOP’s constant badgering of this man and his wife, Hillary Clinton continued throughout his Presidency and to this day, Hillary Clinton is always on the minds of the GOP in very negative ways.  She is a major threat to all of them.

Bill Clinton's presidency was marked by a strong focus on economic growth and job creation. His administration worked tirelessly to balance the federal budget, leading to significant economic expansion and a booming stock market.

Clinton's commitment to global diplomacy was evident through his active involvement in peace negotiations around the world. One of his most notable achievements was the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, which brought peace to Northern Ireland.

The Clinton administration also made strides in healthcare reform, aiming to provide affordable and accessible healthcare for all Americans. While the Comprehensive Health Care Reform Act faced challenges, it paved the way for future discussions on this critical issue.

President Clinton's legacy includes the appointment of two Supreme Court justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer. These appointments shaped the court's decisions on various key issues and left a lasting impact on the future of American jurisprudence.

Another significant milestone of the Clinton presidency was the signing of the Defense of Marriage Act, which ignited national conversations on LGBTQ+ rights. This act was later overturned, marking a turning point in the fight for marriage equality.

Education was a top priority for President Clinton, as he aimed to improve standards and increase funding for schools across the nation. His initiatives, such as the Goals 2000 Act and the School-to-Work Opportunities Act, aimed to equip students for success in the modern world.

As we capture this quick look at Bill Clinton's presidency, let us remember the progress made during his time in office and the impact it had on our society.

Whether it was economic growth, global diplomacy, healthcare reform, or landmark appointments, Clinton's presidency undeniably left a mark on American history.

George W. Bush (43)

George W. Bush's presidency was marked by a series of unprecedented challenges on the global stage. One of the defining moments was the tragic September 11 attacks in 2001, which led to a united effort to combat terrorism and defend the nation's security.

The presidency of George W. Bush, also known as Bush 43, was marked by several controversial decisions and policies that are often criticized as mistakes. Here are some key areas where his administration faced criticism:

Iraq War: One of the most significant and controversial decisions of the Bush administration was the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The main premise for the war, the presence of weapons of mass destruction, was later found to be incorrect. The war led to a protracted conflict, loss of American and Iraqi lives, and destabilization in the region. His goal was to remove Saddam Hussein and address perceived threats to global security. This decision sparked intense debate and long-lasting consequences. Additionally, President Bush emphasized the importance of international cooperation and diplomacy. He worked towards addressing issues such as nuclear proliferation and promoting democracy in various regions, including the Middle East.

Hurricane Katrina Response: The response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was widely criticized as inadequate. The federal government's slow and inefficient response to the disaster resulted in delays in rescue efforts and relief supplies reaching those affected.

The handling of the crisis drew attention to issues of emergency preparedness and response.  Despite initial criticism, his administration took steps to support recovery efforts and improve emergency response systems for future disasters.

Economic Policies: The Bush administration faced criticism for its economic policies, particularly in the lead-up to the 2008 financial crisis. Critics argue that lax regulations and oversight contributed to the housing bubble and subsequent collapse of the financial markets, leading to a deep recession and widespread economic hardship.

Handling of Guantanamo Bay: The treatment of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp drew international criticism. The indefinite detention of individuals without trial and reports of torture and abuse tarnished the reputation of the United States and raised concerns about human rights violations.

Response to Climate Change: The Bush administration faced criticism for its handling of climate change, with many arguing that it did not take sufficient action to address the issue. The administration's reluctance to endorse international climate agreements and its focus on fossil fuel industries were seen by some as detrimental to efforts to combat climate change.

Education reform was a key focus during the Bush 43 presidency. The administration implemented the No Child Left Behind Act, aiming to improve accountability and standards in American schools. This legislation sought to ensure that every child had access to a quality education.

The financial impact of the September 11 attacks and subsequent military actions had a significant effect on the national debt and budget deficit. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with increased defense spending and homeland security measures, contributed to a substantial increase in government spending during the Bush administration.

According to official data from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the total debt held by the public increased from $5.7 trillion at the beginning of Bush's presidency in January 2001 to $9.0 trillion by the end of his second term in January 2009. This represents an increase of approximately $3.3 trillion in public debt during his presidency.

It is important to note that the financial impact of the September 11 attacks and subsequent military actions was not the sole factor contributing to the increase in the national debt during the Bush administration. Other factors, such as tax cuts, increased entitlement spending, and the 2008 financial crisis, also played a role in the growth of the debt and deficit.

During the George W. Bush's presidency, let us reflect on the challenges faced, the decisions made, and the impact they had on our nation and the world. Whether it was responding to crises, shaping foreign policy, or advancing education reform, the Bush 43 presidency undeniably left a lasting mark on American history.

It is important to note that these points reflect common criticisms of the Bush administration, and opinions may vary on the extent to which these actions were mistakes.

It took the next Presidential administration, President Barack Obama almost 8 years to fix what was left behind by the #43 administration.

Barack Obama (44)

The day Obama took office, the DOW closed at 7,949 points.  Eight years later the SOW had almost TRIPLED.

General Motors and Chrysler were on the brink of bankruptcy with Ford not far behind and their failure along with their supply chains would have meant the loss of millions of jobs.  Obama pushed through a controversial, $8 billion bailout to save the car industry. While the Obama administration implemented various measures to address the economic crisis inherited from the previous administration, critics argue that the recovery was slow and that the stimulus package did not have the desired impact. Some point to persistently high unemployment rates and slow wage growth as indicators of failure. Ultimately, he led a record 73 months of private sector job growth.

The U.S car industry survived started making money again and the entire $80 billion was paid back with interest.  WITH INTEREST.

While we remain vulnerable to lone-wolf attacks, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully executed a mass attack here since 9/11.  Obama ordered the successful raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

He drew down the number of troops from $180,000 in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000 and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.

He launched a program called Opening Doors, which since 2010 has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans.

Immigration Reform: As with every administration before and after and despite campaign promises to prioritize comprehensive immigration reform, the Obama administration faced criticism for not making significant progress on this issue. Critics argue that Obama did not do enough to push for legislation or address the issue during his presidency.

Due to Obama’s regulatory policies, greenhouse emissions decreased by 12%, production of renewable energy more than doubled and our dependence on foreign oil was cut in half.

He signed The Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it easier for women to sue employers for unequal pay.

Obama’s Omnibus Public Lands Management Act designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, creating thousands of miles of trails and protecting over 1,000 miles of rivers.

He reduced the federal deficit from 9.8% of GDP in 2009 to 3.2% in 2016.

For all the inadequacies, (The rollout of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obama Care, faced significant issues. The healthcare.gov website had technical glitches and difficulties, leading to a slow and problematic enrollment process. Additionally, some people experienced disruptions to their existing healthcare plans, despite President Obama's promise that they could keep their plans if they liked them.)

With the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care), we seem to have forgotten that before the ACA, you could be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition and kids could not stay on their parent’s policies up to age 26.

Obama approved a $14 billion system to rebuild the levees in New Orleans. All this, even as Mitch McConnell famously asserted that his singular mission would be to block anything President Obama tried to do. 

While Obama failed on his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, which prison’s population on his watch decreased from 242 to around 50.

He expanded funding for embryonic stem cell research supporting groundbreaking advancement in areas like spinal injury treatment and cancer.  GOP wanted to shut this down.  Can you imagine trying to thwart research and survival?

Under Obama, credit card companies can no longer charge hidden fees or raise interest rates without advance notice. 

Most years, Obama threw a 4th of July party for military families with love instead of what his predecessor tried doing each year, ordering the military to drive combat tanks down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Welfare spending went way down: for every 100 poor families, just 24 received cash assistance compared to 64 in 1996.

Obama comforted families and communities following more than a dozen mass shootings.  After Sandy Hook, he said, “The majority of those who died today were children, beautiful kids between the age of 5 and 10 years old.” Why? Yet, he never took away anyone’s guns.  He even sang ‘Amazing Grace’ at another mass tragedy.

He was the first president since Eisenhower to serve two terms without personal or political scandal.

He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Obama was not perfect as no man, no president is, and you can certainly disagree with his political ideologies if you want.  However, to say we suffered for 8 years under Barack Obama as the GOP continues to profess, I have only one wish:  may we be so fortunate as to suffer 8 more years.  PLEASE.

This in contrast to what the BABOON (his predecessor) tried to take credit for – all of and everything Obama succeeded in doing.  Remember this BABOOBN tried to discredit his birthright in 2008 with FALSE claims, which seems to be his programming.  He did nothing but pass a tax bill that favors the super rich and corporations.  Duped his base into thinking that his ‘Americas First’ policies were for all Americans and better yet that his policies were working.  He had NO policies than and certainly not now. I remember calling out one of his evangelists on my live radio show back in 2015 about this and of course, my question went unanswered. 

The BABOON tried in vain to replace Obama Care but failed miserably by his own parties vote.  All this BABOON did was Tweet lies, BS, gaslight, attack anyone in his way and oh let us not forget paying off hookers, and hiring criminals like himself during his 2016 campaign. Several of them were convicted and went to jail.

This is not the American story, his legacy will be tainted, and it continues to get worse with all his 97 CRIMINAL felonies.  His consistent attempts to obstruct justice, break laws and take down our democracy are for the historians to write about someday. And for our future students to learn about in American History, that is of course if the GOP doesn’t ban this from the curriculum.   

He will be taken out of our life in cuffs and sent to prison where he belongs and what I have called for the past 9 years. 

I included the BABOON’s era in Obama’s piece because of the constant obsessive time he spent trying to discredit and undo every police from one of the best President’s in my lifetime.

President Obama is the American story.  Come from behind, mixed race, from the south side of Chicago only to rise to the highest position in government, President of the Unites States of America and the leader of the FREE WORLD.

Donald J. Trump (45)

The Trump presidency faced criticism and encountered several notable challenges and failures. Here are some areas where the administration faced significant scrutiny:

COVID-19 Response: The Trump administration faced criticism for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Critics argued that the initial response was slow, lacked a cohesive national strategy, and downplayed the severity of the virus. The administration also faced challenges in coordinating testing, providing personal protective equipment, and implementing a unified approach across states. Under this administration, more than 1,000,000 Americans were lost to this global health crisis.  The overwhelming feeling was that the on-going Presidential campaign of 2020 became more important than arresting a global virus that was so deadly.

Immigration Policies: One of the focal points of Trump's campaign and presidency was his promise to build a wall along the U.S. Mexico border. This issue ignited intense debate and led to a government shutdown in 2018. The construction of the wall became emblematic of his stance on immigration and border security.

The administration's approach to immigration faced significant backlash. The policy of separating families at the border drew widespread condemnation, leading to public outcry and legal challenges. Additionally, the administration faced criticism for its attempts to restrict travel from certain predominantly Muslim countries, which faced legal opposition.

For all the campaign rhetoric about building a border wall to keep out immigrants, nothing was done, GOP Congressional leaders could not agree to budget for this and nothing was ever done.  Of course, the rhetoric was historic and very theatrical and is consistently blamed on the Democrats.

Trump's economic policies were marked by the passage of the Tax Cuts and the Jobs Act in 2017. This legislation aimed to stimulate economic growth by reducing corporate taxes and providing tax cuts for very wealthy individuals. The impact of these policies on the economy remains and the American people (America First Policy failed). This policy was the start of what we know today as Inflation.

Racial Tensions: The Trump presidency witnessed heightened racial tensions in the United States. Critics argue that the administration's response to incidents of police brutality and protests against racial injustice was divisive and failed to adequately address systemic issues. The handling of events like the Charlottesville white supremacist rally also drew criticism. Trump claiming that “there are good people on both sides”. The Trump administration took this nation back to the 1960s and the civil rights movement that through the years was turned around.  White supremacy and violent gangs and MAGA thugs began to mobilize in support of Trump.

Climate Change Policies: Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement and roll back numerous environmental regulations drew criticism from environmentalists and the international community. This was a major failure and critics argued that these actions ignored the urgency of climate change and hindered global efforts to address the issue. This seems to be what the GOP continues to do.

Environmental policies during the Trump presidency drew attention as well. The administration rolled back several environmental regulations, including those related to climate change and clean air standards, while also promoting American energy independence. These actions sparked a significant debate on environmental stewardship.

Diplomatic Relations:  Trump's unconventional diplomatic style and approach to international relations (thuggery) resulted in strained relationships with traditional U.S. allies. The administration's withdrawal from international agreements, such as the Iran Nuclear Deal and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, faced criticism for potentially destabilizing global alliances and cooperation. He threatened to abolish our relationship with NATO and wanted to create an autocratic state with his leadership.  In terms of military affairs, Trump took steps to increase defense spending and modernize the armed forces.

The Trump presidency was also characterized by numerous legal and political controversies. This included investigations into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election, which led to the appointment of a Special Counsel, which lead to the Mueller Report and its findings.

Additionally, impeachment proceedings were initiated by the House of Representatives in 2019 and 2020.  Trump was impeached both times but the GOP lead senate at the time acquitted him. 

Trump has decided to re-enter the race for the presidency for 2024 despite his many legal issues.

Trump now faces major legal felonies on the following:
1.    January 6th and the U.S. Capitol Insurrection Attack (Federal)

2.   Georgia Election-Tampering Criminal Probe

3.   Illegal Retention of Classified Documents (Federal)

4.   New York Hush Money Criminal Case

5.   Sexual Abuse and Defamation Civil Lawsuits

6.   New York AG Civil Lawsuit for Alleged Family Financial Fraud

I am including a peace that ran in ‘The Bulwark’ that ran recently.  The article garnered world recognition.  The author is Charlie Sykes.

“If you elect a serial liar and conman, a narcissist, bully, wannabe mobster, with the vocabulary of an emotionally insecure nine-year-old, you can’t really be shocked at how it turned out, can you?

This is what Trump wanted because this is what he chose.

He could have accepted defeat and allowed the peaceful transfer of power. He could have behaved like every other president in American history.

Instead, he chose to lie about the election. He chose to orchestrate a coup.

He made the decision to defame election workers and attempt to intimidate officials into stealing the vote.

It was his choice to form a criminal enterprise, and conspire to defraud the government, to summon the mob, and sit back as they attacked the Capitol. A total insurrection engineered by this monster. 

It was a conscious decision to steal classified documents — including war plans — and ignore a federal subpoena. It was his choice to try to obstruct and cover up his crime, just like it was his choice to pay hush money to a porn star before the 2016 election.

It was also the GOP’s choice.”

In my opinion, the GOP continues to support this man because I believe they are frightened of him and/or believe in his anti-constitutional position and as was recently stated, they are looking to dismantle our government and put a new structure in place that mirrors the MAGA beliefs and an autocratic government led by Trump.

All of this is astounding!

Joseph R. Biden (46)


COVID-19 Response: The administration has made progress in controlling the spread of COVID-19 by implementing a national vaccination program, requiring masks on federal property, and increasing funding for testing and contact tracing.

American Rescue Plan: The $1.9 trillion relief package includes economic stimulus payments, funding for vaccine distribution, aid to small businesses, and expanded unemployment benefits.

Infrastructure Plan: The Biden administration's infrastructure proposals have faced challenges in gaining bipartisan support and criticism for the size and scope of the proposed spending. Critics argue that the plans involve too much government intervention and will lead to increased government debt. However, the bill was passed and signed for a $1.0 trillion infrastructure plan to modernize and repair the country's transportation, water, and energy infrastructure.

Climate Change: Biden rejoined the Paris climate agreement and established a goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. He has also issued executive orders to reduce emissions and promote clean energy.

Immigration: The Biden administration has reversed several Trump-era immigration policies, such as the travel ban and family separation, and proposed a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

However, the influx of illegal immigrants to our country continues to remain a problem and this issue needs to be placed in the top of priorities where more work needs to be done.

Nevertheless, there seems to be many complaints on how this administration has handled the border.

Racial Justice: The administration has taken steps to address systemic racism, including signing executive orders on racial equity and launching an initiative to advance racial justice and equity across the government.

Foreign Policy: Biden has taken steps to repair relationships with allies, rejoin international organizations, and address global challenges such as climate change and nuclear proliferation. The damage done to our allies in the previous administration was horrific.

The Chips and Science Act (Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors) is a bipartisan bill that was passed and signed.  The goal of the Chips Act is to incentivize the production of semiconductors in the United States, which are essential components in electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, and automobiles. The bill proposes $52 billion in funding for semiconductor research and development, manufacturing, and workforce training.

The Science and Technology Competitiveness Act is also a bipartisan bill with the goal of increasing funding for scientific research and development in the United States, with a focus on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and biotechnology. The $110 billion in funding over five years for research and development, education and workforce training, and technology commercialization.

The President signed a bipartisan debt-ceiling bill to avert government default after months of haggling with the Republican Caucasus in the House. However, this being only a temporary stopgap, new discussions are in order as we come close to another debt ceiling crisis.


Border Crisis: Critics argue that the Biden administration's approach to immigration has led to a surge of migrants at the southern border, resulting in overcrowded facilities and strained resources. Some contend that the reversal of certain immigration policies, such as the "Remain in Mexico" program, has contributed to the increase in illegal border crossings.

Afghanistan Withdrawal: The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan has faced significant criticism due to the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and the Taliban's subsequent takeover. Critics argue that the evacuation efforts were poorly planned and executed, leading to chaotic scenes at the Kabul airport and leaving behind Afghan allies and vulnerable populations. Many claim that Biden was acting on a plan that Trumps administration had put in place for the eventual evacuation.

Handling of Foreign Relations: Some critics argue that the Biden administration's approach to foreign relations, particularly with China and Russia, has been too lenient. Concerns have been raised about the administration's response to issues such as human rights abuses and cyberattacks.

Inflation Concerns: The Biden administration has faced criticism for its handling of inflation. Critics argue that the combination of increased government spending, supply chain disruptions, and monetary policy decisions would lead to and did to rising inflation rates, which have affected the cost of living for everyday Americans. Gas prices and food prices remain high.

However, the annual inflation rate for the United States was 3.2% for the 12 months ended July, according to U.S. Labor Department data published on Aug. 10, 2023. This follows a rise of 3.0% in the previous period. The next update on inflation is scheduled for release on Sept. 13. It will provide information on the rate of inflation for the 12 months ended August 2023. In fact, the U.S. now ranks LAST in inflation statistics in countries around the world.

As the US economy gradually recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, prices are rising across the board with inflation exceeding the Federal Reserve’s 2% target and reaching a 13-year high.

Republicans have turned that jump in inflation into a political talking point, trying to place the blame on President Joe Biden and Democrats, and at times misrepresenting the current economic landscape in the process.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy tweeted, “Inflation is running rampant due in part to out-of-control spending from President Biden and former Speaker Pelosi.”

About two weeks later, Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik, went a step further in blaming Democrats, saying in a press conference that “inflation is skyrocketing because of Democrats reckless and wasteful spending” and “this rampant inflation is a result of Democrats reckless tax and spend policies.”

Facts First: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it’s misleading to suggest that is the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic  spending proposals misrepresents what has actually been passed under Trump and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed in 2020 supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also greatly contributed to inflation.

It is also worth noting, that during his presidency, Trump added a significant amount to the deficit and national debt. Before Trump took office, the national debt was approximately $19.9 trillion. By the end of his presidency, the national debt had increased to over $27.8 trillion, an increase of around $7.9 trillion.

Several factors contributed to the increase in the deficit and debt under the Trump administration. These include the Tax Cuts and the Jobs Act of 2017, which reduced taxes for Corporations and for the wealthy Americans, resulting in decreased revenue to our government. Additionally, increased military spending and emergency funding for disaster relief and COVID-19 response efforts also contributed to the growing deficit and debt.

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Katrina Arthur Katrina Arthur

Culture War Strategy

The culture war strategy is a political tactic that has been used by both Republicans and Democrats in the United States. It involves framing political issues in terms of cultural values and beliefs, in order to appeal to voters' emotions and identities.

The culture war strategy is based on the belief that there are two opposing sides in American society: traditional, conservative values and progressive, liberal values. 

Today the Republicans are trying to appeal to those who hold traditional values, such as those who are religious and believe in conservative social norms.

The Republicans have been particularly successful in using this strategy in recent years, by focusing on issues like immigration, gun rights, and abortion, which are highly charged and divisive. They have also appealed to voters who feel that their traditional values and way of life are under threat from progressive forces in society.

However, there are risks associated with this strategy. One of the biggest risks is that it can further polarize society and deepen divisions between different groups. It can also lead to a focus on symbolic issues, rather than substantive policy solutions, which can be problematic in the long term.

Therefore, if the Republicans want to win elections in the future, they may need to broaden their appeal and address a wider range of issues that are important to voters. They might also need to find ways to bridge the divide between traditional and progressive values, rather than relying on a strategy that emphasizes this division.

Another risk is that the culture war strategy can lead to a lack of focus on issues that are important to most voters, such as healthcare, education, income and equality and the economy. By emphasizing cultural issues, politicians may be neglecting other areas where they could be making a real difference in people's lives.

In conclusion, while the culture war strategy can be effective in mobilizing certain groups of voters, it is not without its risks. Politicians need to be careful in how they use this strategy, and should be mindful of the broader implications for society and governance. So if the Republicans want to win future elections they need to stop the "culture war". This means they need to stop focusing on things like religion and traditional values as this strategy might not work because American society is becoming more diverse and people have different beliefs and values. For example, younger voters tend to be more liberal and open-minded, and they might not be swayed by the Republicans' traditional values. 

So, the Republicans will keep losing elections if they only focus on this one strategy of “culture wars”. They have lost all elections since 2016. That is something and should be a lesson learned.

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Katrina Arthur Katrina Arthur

Lost Between Fiction and a Dream

Jake was a young male teen growing up in rural America. He had always dreamed of leaving his small town and exploring the world beyond. He wanted to be an actor, and a very successful one on television. He was a good student and worked hard to get into college. When he finally got accepted, he was over the moon.

Jake was excited to start his new life in college in a bigger city than where he grew up. He was determined to make the most of his college experience and explore everything that the city had to offer. 

One night after work at a restaurant he was working in, he decided to go to Studio 54, a famous nightclub in the city with other restaurant friends. As they piled into a car to head into Manhattan, little did he know that this night would change his life forever.

The crowd was thick and the line was long. As was typical, the outside bouncers ‘picked’ who got to go inside and who didn’t. Jake was with four friends and only two of them got picked. Jake got in… As he was sitting at the bar he caught the eye of an international superstar actor. He couldn’t believe who it was. The actor was looking at Jake too. Jake turned to his friend and started to talk nervously. Jake’s friend said, “do you know who that is?” Jake said yes, I know. It’s Alex Cory. TV star. They continued to talk and not look over to the other side of the bar. 

Before long the bar tender put a refill of Jake’s drink in front of him. He didn’t ask for one. He asked why he gave it to him and the bartender said the guy at the other end of the bar sent it to you. Jake and his friend panicked. After a few minutes, Alex Cory appeared on their side of the bar, interrupting Jake’s conversation with his friend and they almost fainted. He wanted to know why Jake wasn’t drinking his drink. They started talking and hit it off immediately. They exchanged numbers and decided to talk more privately and started dating soon after.

For the next three years, Jake was living the dream. He was dating a famous actor and was living a life that he had never imagined possible. Alex had just opened in a new film that became an international super success. To this day it is iconic. He was traveling the country and attending glamorous events and movie premieres. However, as time went on, Jake realized that he and Alex were worlds apart in their life journey.

Jake was still trying to figure out who he was and what he wanted to do with his life. He wasn’t out, nor was Alex, his boyfriend, who had already achieved everything he had ever wanted. He was at the top of his game and had no plans of slowing down.

Dating Alex was wild in every sense of the word.. They dined at the finest restaurants in Manhattan and Los Angeles and stayed in luxurious hotels. Everywhere they went, people recognized him and wanted to take pictures with him. Jake of course was not allowed to be so close to Alex in person. Alex’s handlers were so ridiculous with secrecy and privacy. It was the 70s after all. 

But it wasn't just the glitz and glamour that made the relationship exciting. Alex was a passionate and adventurous person who loved to try new things. He wanted me to experience everything.

Of course, there were downsides to dating a superstar. The paparazzi were always lurking, trying to snap photos of us together. 

They knew. Fans would sometimes get a little too enthusiastic and invade our privacy. And there were always rumors and gossip swirling around about our relationship. But the handlers made sure there was always a woman with us…all the time. So exhausting. 

But through it all, Alex and Jake remained strong. They loved each other deeply and were committed to making the relationship work. They knew that their lives were unconventional. Jake embraced the wild ride that came with dating an international movie superstar.

The relationship started to change because of these differences. They were constantly disagreeing on future plans. Eventually, they decided to call it quits.

Although the relationship didn't survive, the experience would last a lifetime for Jake. He had learned so much about himself and the world around him. He had experienced things that he never thought possible and had grown as a person. His life was beginning as well. 

Jake went on to finish college and pursue his dreams. He never forgot the lessons he learned from his time with Alex. He was grateful for the experience and knew that it had helped shape him into the person he became.

In the end, their love story was like something out of a Hollywood movie. It was wild, unpredictable, and full of adventure. And even though they eventually went their separate ways, Jake will always cherish the memories of his time together with Alex Cory. 

But life went on for Jake and there is never a dull moment. 

This is Jake’s life story.

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Katrina Arthur Katrina Arthur

The epidemic of GUN violence in America

It all begins with an idea.

There is an epidemic of gun violence that continues to plague our nation. In 2023, we are still grappling with the devastating consequences of this crisis, and it is time for us to take action.

Every day, we hear news of yet another shooting, another innocent life lost, and another community shattered. We have become numb to the statistics, but we must remember that each number represents a human being, with dreams, hopes, and loved ones left behind.

The causes of gun violence are complex, and there is no one solution that will solve the problem overnight. However, we cannot continue to ignore the issue or offer empty thoughts and prayers. We need concrete action, and we need it NOW.

First and foremost, we must strengthen our gun laws. It is unacceptable that individuals with a history of violence or mental illness or anyone for that matter can still obtain firearms or weapons of WAR. We need universal background checks, red flag laws, and a ban on assault weapons. We must also close the gun show loophole and ensure that all sales, including those made online, are subject to the same regulations.

But laws alone are not enough. We must also address the root causes of gun violence, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of access to mental health care. We need to invest in our communities, provide opportunities for our youth, and ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive.

Finally, we must change the culture around guns. We cannot continue to glorify violence and perpetuate the myth that owning a gun makes us safer. We need to have honest conversations about the risks and responsibilities that come with gun ownership, and we need to promote non-violent conflict resolution.

The epidemic of gun violence in America is a complex and multifaceted issue, but it is not insurmountable. We have the power to make a difference, but we must act now. We owe it to ourselves, our children, and our communities to do everything in our power to end this crisis once and for all. 

It’s not about the Second Amendment any longer. It’s about our lives as humans. We are the ONLY country on this globe with this problem.

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